Terre Pruitt's Blog

In the realm of health, wellness, fitness, and the like, or whatever inspires me.

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Archive for September, 2014

Cities Could Make Waiting Safe and Fun!

Posted by terrepruitt on September 30, 2014

One of my Facebook friends shared a link to a video.  (See below.  Watch video.)  I LOVE this. The idea is so awesome, to me.  I think it would be so cool if dancing on the street while waiting for a crosswalk light to change in your favor was acceptable and actually encouraged.  I think this is so fun.  I really love this idea.  I was so happy to see that little red dancing figure, I was squealing while watching it.  Then when I saw that it was NOT a computer program just set to play, I clapped with glee.  People dancing while their moves are being reproduced onto the crosswalk signal in real time —- AWESOME.

How fun is that?  It would be so much more fun to stand and wait.  Also it would give you something to do.  I always feel silly standing there waiting, not doing anything.  Then I feel silly for feeling silly because I am supposed to wait.  I shouldn’t feel silly.  I am being courteous (and following the law) by waiting my turn and not darting out into traffic.  It is rude when people walk out into the street against the crossing light hoping to can make it across the street before a car comes or worse yet, expecting the car to stop.  GRRRRRRR.  I get upset when I see people do that.  Because if they get hit and die what will they care . . . they will be dead, but they will have ruined someone else’s day and perhaps their lives because they were too rude to just wait a minute or two.  So this dancing would give them something to do.

I can see how it just might promote safety.  The non-waiting people (that might normally cross against the light — jeopardizing their safety and the safety of others) might not dance, but they might be interested enough to stay and watch.  To me it didn’t look as if that many people were dancing.   The video said that 81%  (THAT IS A LOT) more people actually followed the law (psstt . . . yes it is the law) while at the dancing crosswalk signal light.  So, more people stopped from crossing the street when they did not have a signal to go, while at this signal.  I did not see on the video a percentage given of how many people actually danced.  But with the reported increase in the number of people that stopped it got people’s attention.  I wonder how they measured that?

So fun.  The title of where I saw the video said something about, “safe and happy!”  Oh yeah.  It would make me happy.  I would be happy dancing while waiting at the light OR dancing to make the signal dance.  Fun stuff.  We could have a Nia crosswalk where we led people through Nia routines.  Ha, that would be funny.  The Nia Crosswalk Signal . . . .

The video is on Smart’s Youtube channel. Check out the video.

Dance Exercise, Nia, Nia at the City of San Jose, Nia classes in the South Bay, Nia Teacher, Nia Class, San Jose Nia, Nia San Jose, Nia workout, Nia, Zumba, PiYo, Gentle Yoga, Group Ex City of San Jose, San Jose Group Ex classes


So what do you think?  Would you watch?  Would you dance if you were waiting at the crosswalk?  Would you dance in the signal (the room they had set up) and be the dancing crosswalk signal?  Do you think this is cool?

Posted in Misc | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Nia Crosses The Line

Posted by terrepruitt on September 27, 2014

I teach a cardio dance exercise called Nia.  But it is more than that.  At one point in its history Nia was NIA and stood for Neuromuscular Integrative Action.  I have mentioned this before.  I have also mentioned that I am not sure why the name has gone through many changes.  I personally think that Nia has changed its name trying to find a wide audience.  Trying to become more popular.  It is sometimes the way with things that there has to be a catchy name or something in order to get people’s attention.  Sometimes the name that best describes something is not catchy or marketable enough to attract people.   Neuromuscular Integrative Action is really a great name.  It describes Nia very well.  But I don’t think it is very catching.  It is difficult for some to remember, perhaps, and it might not come easy to understand to many people.  But it really is a perfect name for Nia.

The Merriam-Webster online dictionary states:

Full Definition of NEUROMUSCULAR:

of or relating to nerves and muscles; especially : jointly involving or affecting nervous and muscular elements


A Google search shows the following:


serving or intending to unify separate things.

[In]  •    Medicine — combining allopathic and complementary therapies.

So the actions during the workout will have to do with nerves and muscles.  The movements, in addition to moving the entire body, also bring together the Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit (BMES).  So it truly is Neuromuscular Integrative Action.  But that truly is a mouthful.  Even though it is a great, descriptive name, I think it might have been decided it was too difficult.  I don’t know.  I am just speculating.

I mentioned in my post about Knee Sweeps how it is beneficial to the brain for our limbs to cross over the midline of the body.  I want to write a little more on that . . . . imagine you have a string that starts at the top of your forehead and it fall down the middle of your forehead, down the middle of your nose, in between your breast down the middle of your chest, over your belly button, continuing down in between your legs.  That is the MIDLINE of your body.  So when your cross your left hand/arm or foot/leg over to the right side of that line you are crossing the midline.  And vice-versa.  This type of action is good for your brain.  This type of action is good for your nervous system.  It is action relating to nerves and muscles.  You use your muscles in action and this stimulates your nervous system.

I often remind my class how we are “working” the brain when we cross the midline of the body, when it really is so much more than that.  Because, as you know, each side of the body is controlled by opposite sides of the brain so when you cross the midline both sides of the brain are forced into working.  Both sides must communicate with each other.  This communication with the nerve-cell pathways linking both sides, but strengthening them.

Many exercise classes do this.  That is because it is important (I believe I have said this before.)  Even yoga does it in some of its asanas.  So the crossing does not have to happen in a cardio class or during a cardio exercise.  Crossing the midline in stretches also helps “stretch” the brain.  So even if you don’t participate in Nia, you can do things to help your brain.  But I just wanted to share again – I know I’ve mentioned some of this a few times – how Nia is a lot more than a dance exercise, it really is neuromuscular integrative action.

So, with the reminder that it is good for your brain and nervous system, are you gonna cross that line?


Posted in Nia | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Paid Gooblygook

Posted by terrepruitt on September 25, 2014

I have asked on Twitter time and time again.  I have received no reply.  Perhaps people thought it was a rhetorical question.  Perhaps no one else has experienced this.  Perhaps they thought I was joking.  Perhaps it was such a “No duh!” to them no one has bothered to answer.  But my question is:  Do people . . . owners of websites . . . pay other people, primarily those who do not speak English as their first language, to go onto other people’s blogs and leave comments?  I get the weirdest comments.  I get comments that have NOTHING to do with the post.  I get comments where the person posting states their name is Samantha Garblygook, with an e-mail of habeebsrab@xxx.com, and the web address will be for Youtube.  Odd stuff like that.  I have received comments FIVE paragraphs long about washing machines or some computer part.  And the way they type the comments is obvious that they are typing them in a way so they can search for them.  With every “the” spelled tthe, with every “are” spelled arre . . . stuff like that.  I cannot imagine people just doing this on their own.  I can’t imagine Samantha or Habeeb (whatever their real name might be) going onto the internet to leave a comment to promote an appliance repair site or a lawyer’s site just to be nice.  Just because.  So the site owners must be paying these people, right?  They are having people go out and comment on a lot of blogs to try to get traffic back to their site, right?

Sometimes the comments make sense, but they have the mismatched name and e-mail, as I have mentioned.  Or they have the purposefully misspelled words as I have also mentioned.  But sometimes the comments are just gobblygook.  They make no sense at all.  They are just words strung together.  Or there might be one sentence or a two or three word combination that MIGHT sort of make sense but not really.  So odd.  Actually the ones that make absolutely NO sense at all are becoming fewer and farther between.  Now it is more of the comments that have NOTHING, NOT. A. THING. to do with the post they are commenting on or they have a huge number of words crafted with misspellings.  I am getting a lot of these lately.

I probably get at least 10 a day.  That is a lot.  It makes me laugh because some of them sound like nice comments.  They sound sweet, but “I reallly love tthe way you expose tthe information to mme on this terriffic site.  It is clear tthe information meanns allot to you.  Could you tell mme tthe best webblog to use?  You will be famous withh your blogging.” is clearly spam.  Ha!  Yes.  I love exposing information and I am famous.  Sigh.

I used to get excited when I saw that little number that indicates I have a comment.  Now I know it will just bbe a spaam comment.  I used to wonder why they typed like that because it is clearly calculated then my hubby said it was so they can search for their specific comment.  The type-os would be unique to them.  Yeah, makes perfect sense.  So, I think once or twice, the comment sounded nice, so I edited out the type-os and approved it.  🙂

The comments today are hilarious.  Once goes from talking about hair to digestion and then back to hair.  Two talk about streaming movies.  One actually says, “Try to knife him to see that he’s not down and out just yet.”  WHAT???????

So is that what is happening, are people PAYING other people to leave these types of comments?  Do you have a blog?  Do you experience these crazy comments on your blog?


Posted in Misc | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments »

One Person Making A Lot Of Noise

Posted by terrepruitt on September 23, 2014

It only takes one.  One person, that is it.  One person besides me, that is.  I have observed different groups of Nia students and I have seen them alter their sounding practices.  It is so fun to witness a silent class become noisy.  I feel that making noises in a dance exercise class, or “sounding” as it is called in Nia, depends a lot on the music.  There is specific music that just lends itself to making noise.  There is some music that people instinctively just join in singing or making the appropriate sounds during the music.  There is also specific moves that lend themselves to sounding.  Chopping seems to cause “Hi-yas!” to erupt from the practitioner.  Blocking tends to cause loud “Has!”  But not all the time.  It does help when they are made a part of the choreography.  It helps when the sound is the same or at least consistent throughout the song.  My sounding often just comes out.  I am dancing to the music and perhaps thinking of the next move or discovering a pearl and noise just comes out.  It is not always the same as the last time.  I feel that sometimes makes people shy.  They want to have others saying it with them.  And it really only takes one.  That ONE person who seems to just have noises inside that have to come out.  That one person who doesn’t need the teacher to lead them.  That one person to just make a noise and it encourages others to do so.

I often feel that there are some that want to make noise, but they don’t.  There are many reasons people don’t make noise.  I think I mentioned it before, but I kind of remember it being a “thing”.  I am not saying we were told NOT to make noise, but you would never have walked into a women’s gym and heard grunting.  (Eye roll)  I guess that is because we aren’t allowed to breathe.  HA.  I don’t know, but I do have a sense that it was not something women were encouraged to do.  Exercise was done in silence.  So I think that has a lot to do with it.  We were not taught to make noise while exercising.  So we don’t.

But I sense there are those that want to.  What I see happening, is we will do the move with me making the noise for seven times.  The eighth time comes around and since we are changing to a different move I might be at the point when I need to use that time for instruction.  It just happens that on that eighth time the person finally got up their nerve to make a sound and then it is as if they are left hanging because I didn’t do it with them because I had to introduce the change.  Yup . . . I feel that happens a lot.

But not when there is that ONE person.  All it takes is ONE person.  That one person can — by example — encourage the rest of the group.  I love it.  I silently cheer that person on.  I send waves of gratitude out to that one person that is not me that is sounding and helping the group find their voice.  I have some GREAT sounders in my Nia groups.  And I am so happy and excited that they are finding their voice.

I know how it is to move silently through a class.  Nia is wonderful and freeing, so the dance is meditation to me.  But when I first decided to join in on that sounding — YEOWZZZAAAA!  Whoa!  That just took the movement, the dance, the freedom to an entirely different level.  It was invigorating.  So I know how it is to be shy about making noises in class (I know if you have ever taken my class you might not believe that).  I know how it is to take up almost the entire song before you allow that sound out.  But I also know how it FEELS and the senses my body experiences after a really loud and noisy class.  So I will keep sending out waves of applause to that one sounder as they lead the entire class into becoming sounders.

Do you make noise when you work out?  Perhaps you sing?  Do you breathe loudly?

Posted in Nia, Sounding | Tagged: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Easy Peasy Chicken Enchiladas With Sour Cream Sauce

Posted by terrepruitt on September 20, 2014

My niece came to visit us recently over the weekend. I thought it would be nice to serve something for dinner that I don’t make often. Even though she doesn’t eat with us often, so something we eat all the time wouldn’t necessarily be something she eats all the time, I thought I would try something new. Well, I had done it before but I don’t remember the recipe I used before, so I was kinda making it up as I went along. Big surprise, huh? Well, I decided to make chicken enchiladas with sour cream sauce. I don’t really like red sauce and green sauce does not like me. I like sour cream sauce.


Dance Exercise, Nia, Nia at the City of San Jose, Nia classes in the South Bay, Nia Teacher, Nia Class, San Jose Nia, Nia San Jose, Nia workout, Nia, Zumba, PiYo, Gentle Yoga, Group Ex City of San Jose, San Jose Group Ex classesChicken Enchiladas With Sour Cream Sauce


4 tablespoons butter / 3
4 tablespoons flour / 3
3 cups chicken broth / 2
1 1/2 cup sour cream / 1
1/2  4 oz can diced green chillies
(this makes EXTRA sauce, the / number is the amount to us if you want less sauce)

3 cups shredded and cooked chicken (I actually used canned chicken)
3 cups shredded Mexican Mixture cheese
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/4 garlic salt
7 large soft flour tortillas


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Melt the butter in a pan over medium heat. Stir the flour into butter. Whisk it to get all the lumps out. Watch the heat making sure it does not get too hot. Whisk in the broth. Continue to cook the sauce until it’s thick and begins to bubble. Turn off the heat/burner.

Mix the chicken with the cumin and garlic salt. Put about three tablespoons of chicken in a tortilla, sprinkle in some cheese then roll up and put seam side down into a greased casserole dish. Continue filling and rolling the tortillas until they are all filled. Using about two cups of the cheese.

By now, the sauce should be cool enough so the sour cream will not curdle when added, but still warm enough to allow the sour cream to “melt” and blend well into the sauce. Add the sour cream to the sauce. Whisk until blended. Add the chilies to the sauce.

Pour the sauce over enchiladas. Filling in all the space. Use the remaining cup of cheese to sprinkle over the enchiladas. Save the remaining sauce for allowing individuals to add more sauce to their enchiladas.

Bake in oven for about 30 minutes.


Dance Exercise, Nia, Nia at the City of San Jose, Nia classes in the South Bay, Nia Teacher, Nia Class, San Jose Nia, Nia San Jose, Nia workout, Nia, Zumba, PiYo, Gentle Yoga, Group Ex City of San Jose, San Jose Group Ex classesSo my hubby likes extra sauce and leftover sauce, so I made extra. You can make less by using the number after the slash. You can also use more chilies. I brought the remainder to the table so that my hubby and niece could add more to their food.

I think next time I will add the chilies into the enchiladas. I will mark them so I know which ones have the chilies.

You can use any type of chicken you would like. I just wanted really easy so I used canned.

So this is easy and kind of quick. And I thought it was very yummy. I will be making it again. It made enough for leftovers. You know I love leftovers.

Do you like enchiladas? Are you a fan of sour cream sauce?  Does this sound like a recipe you would make?

Posted in "Recipes", Food | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Rain, Dinner, Classes, Love — Good Things

Posted by terrepruitt on September 18, 2014

Dance Exercise, Nia, Nia at the City of San Jose, Nia classes in the South Bay, Nia Teacher, Nia Class, San Jose Nia, Nia San Jose, Nia workout, Nia, Zumba, PiYo, Gentle Yoga, Group Ex City of San Jose, San Jose Group Ex classesAhh, I really wanted to have my blog post for today written yesterday.  I wanted to “take the day off” today.  Well, I taught a Nia Class this morning.  And I have a Gentle Yoga Class to teach tonight, so I am not really taking the day off.  I just didn’t want to have to think about a blog post or clean any part of the house today.  I was going to take the day off from cleaning and doing chores.  Ha.  Well, it didn’t work out that way.  But it is still a good day.  We had a bit of rain.  But that just made the traffic this morning very bad.  My hubby was very thoughtful and called me to alert me to the chaos on the freeways this morning.  So I left early than I normally do to get to class.  I started to get on the freeway and got right back off.  Since the traffic was not normal Thursday morning traffic I didn’t know if there were accidents that were blocking the roads so I decided to chance it and take the inner city streets.  I actually made it to class RIGHT ON TIME!  Which to me is not “on time” because I need to do a little set up before we start.  But we still started only about five minutes late.  Most of the Nia students didn’t even know we started late.  So it worked out.  The rain was only a very small amount, but it was moisture.  That is a good thing.  So there are a lot of things that can go into my Goodie Jar just today.  So I am making this a check in day.

I haven’t checked in on you and your Goodie Jar for four months.  I am still putting things in mine.  I ALWAYS have something to put in mine.  Regardless of what is going on I consider myself blessed.  I hope you have at least one thing you can put into your jar.

I am doing a check in as a sort of “day off” from writing a blog post.  Since I didn’t get the day off from chores and cleaning.  I really don’t need a day off from teaching.  Teaching is fun and I get so much good energy from my Nia and yoga students it doesn’t count as work.  I can do without the extra travel time and traffic, but . . . we need the rain.  Don’t know why it practically shuts our freeways down . . . but whatever.

Rain.  To class on time.  Birthday love.  Hubby cooking dinner.  These are the things that make me smile that I put in my Good Things Jar.

I have seen some people post on Facebook and others on their blog that some of you have gotten new family members . . . whether human or animal, that is a thing for the Goodie Jar.  I always put notes about my family in my Goodie Jar.

So . . . what about you?  Are you still putting things in your Good Things Jar?  What have you added recently?

Posted in Good Things in the Goodie Jar, Misc | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Dancing Close

Posted by terrepruitt on September 16, 2014

Dance Exercise, Nia, Nia at the City of San Jose, Nia classes in the South Bay, Nia Teacher, Nia Class, San Jose Nia, Nia San Jose, Nia workout, Nia, Zumba, PiYo, Gentle Yoga, Group Ex City of San Jose, San Jose Group Ex classesThere is a Nia Routine called Miracle.  It is fun routine.  Like many Nia Routines it has form and freedom.  There are two songs in which the foot work is pretty much the same throughout each song (form), but within the sameness you have the freedom to switch it up and add your own style.  The choreography gives you the steps, the area where your feet are to be in dancing to the music, but you can decide how to get there and how your foot will be placed into that area.  Form and Freedom.  There is also something in this routine that Carlos Rosas (NKA, Carlos Aya-Rosas) calls the “Nia Bundle”.  It is basically where the entire class gets very close together and dances.  This is not easy for people to do.  Why?  There are at least as many reasons why this challenges people as there are people.  But there are many benefits to dancing in a “bundle” and as a group.

One benefit of dancing in a close bundle is to practice our proprioception.  In close proximity to other Nia Dancers we want to be aware of where our arms are, where are feet are, where are hands are.  Are our limbs close to our body or are they out as far as they can go?  Are we going to step on someone’s toes?  Are we going to bump into someone?  While the goal is not to step on nor bump into anyone, it is understood there might be some contact . . . but not often.  For those in my classes that participate in the Nia bundles we do a good job being aware and moving in a close group.

Also dancing so close to each other helps us be aware of each other. Not just the physical presence of the other students, but there is eye contact, there is giggling, there is connection and a sense of community when you are brought really close together.  No one is in their own space, we are sharing space.  We move as one in space.  We move as individuals in a shared space.  We learn to dance together.

Another benefit could be that we – as individuals are pressed into moving in different ways.  Finding a new way to move our body in dance because we are so close to someone.  How can we move our elbows without elbowing someone?  How can we dance to the music and express our spirit in such close proximity to others?  Ahh . . . yes . . . new-to-your-body-moves just might be discovered.

I always laugh at the thought of someone looking in the dance studio at the community center and seeing all of the space with 12+ of us all clumped together in the middle or in a corner.  I imagine them thinking that odd.  I imagine them thinking, “WHAT are they doing?”  Then we throw our hands up in the air and sing.  It is quite fun!

So despite some people’s misgivings about dancing really close in a Nia bundle there are those who join in with gusto and reap the benefits.  Does your dance exercise class have a bundle?  What would you think if you were to peek in a class and see it?  Would you be a bundle dancer?


Posted in Nia | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

Tears Will Fall

Posted by terrepruitt on September 13, 2014

Dance Exercise, Nia, Nia at the City of San Jose, Nia classes in the South Bay, Nia Teacher, Nia Class, San Jose Nia, Nia San Jose, Nia workout, Nia, Zumba, PiYo, Gentle Yoga, Group Ex City of San Jose, San Jose Group Ex classesRecently I woke up singing Fergie’s Big Girls Don’t Cry.  I just woke up and started singing it.  It was the first thought in my head.  I sang it most of the morning, then I thought,  “well, yeah they do . . . and there are a lot of reasons for big girls to cry.”  Then I thought of that meme you might know it.  I might as well voice my opinion on it.  That is what the internet is for, right?  People just throwing their opinions out there?  Well, if you would like to hear about mine please continue reading.  I wouldn’t mind hearing your opinion on this.  I have things to say about this little saying.  “No boy is worth crying over.  And the one who is won’t make you cry.”  Yikes.  I have an issue with this.  I truly think this sets a very unreasonable, unhealthy, and ridiculous standard.  Really?  We are telling girls that a boy is not worth it if he makes you cry.  Or he is not worth it if you shed tears in your dealings with him.  Wow!  I think I understand the POINT of this, but then again, since I understand the point of it, I don’t need a little reminder of it.  I am concerned that people who might need a reminder like this might take it literally without context.  Because if you think that anyone in your life that makes you cry is not worth it, then you might end up very alone.

I mean, there are as many reason that someone can “make” you cry as there are people.  It could be that you are having a stressful day and your emotions are a bit wobbly so you aren’t feeling very secure and your special someone walks in and says, “Did you do something with your hair?”  And since you are feeling insecure and you don’t like your hair at the moment you burst into tears.  It could be that your special someone had a very stressful day and walks in and says a little harsh, “Where is dinner?”  And you have been busy all day and haven’t even thought of it and you feel bad and that makes you cry.  It could be that your cat just died and EVERYTHING makes you cry.  It could be that you were just diagnosed with something so, again, everything makes you cry.  But since it is the boy who is doing the talking you think it is him that is making you cry.

It is not reasonable to think that humans interacting with each other will never cause tears.  If the boy you are interested in never makes you cry because he is so perfect you should go with him to the doctor to make sure he is not either alien or a robot.  That is why love is sometime wonky.  You, yourself have to be secure enough to know where the tears are coming from.  Are they coming from you–something going on with you or is the person you love really being mean.  And with you knowing yourself and being secure you can decide if that is something you want to put up with.  To say no boy worth crying over won’t make you cry is ludicrous.

I think it would serve people better — especially if your boyfriend / fiancé / husband is a highly paid athlete (!!!!) — if it said “No boy is worth letting yourself get hit/beat/dragged around.”  THAT would be a much better lesson to get out there and to preach.  The crying lesson is just not realistic.  People are going to hurt your feelings . . . it could be that you are being sensitive for whatever reason or it could be that he is being a jerk — it happens.  But does it happen all the time?  Is it something that YOU know is just him being an ass because he has something going on or does he do it all the time?  There is a difference between a once-in-a-while-I-am-being-sensitive-or-he-is-having-an-off-day thing and something that happens all the time.  So . . . he just might make you cry every once in a while.  But it should not be all the time and it should never be because he hit you.

But people are not perfect and someone who is “worth it” might just make you cry.  What do you think?

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An Eggcellent Dinner

Posted by terrepruitt on September 11, 2014

Dance Exercise, Nia, Nia at the City of San Jose, Nia classes in the South Bay, Nia Teacher, Nia Class, San Jose Nia, Nia San Jose, Nia workout, Nia, Zumba, PiYo, Gentle Yoga, Group Ex City of San Jose, San Jose Group Ex classesWhat to make for dinner is often a tough question to answer.  My husband does not understand why it is so difficult.  He doesn’t understand that when he eats ground turkey and a vegetable two nights (at least) every week for months it is because I just do not have the time or mental capability to THINK of something to make for dinner.  Ground turkey and whatever vegetable we have is soooooo easy.  But this past year I was told I made it too much.  So . . . now that I have more time and can think about something other than planning a “memorial”,  I am trying to come up with something else for dinner.  On Thursdays I like to have something pretty much prepared before I go to teach the evening Gentle Yoga class.  My hubby has been experimenting with making deviled eggs so we ended up with a lot of eggs.  So I thought why not make a Frittata?  Is it still a frittata if you don’t bake it in the pan you do the initial cooking in?  I don’t have a cast iron skillet.  Or pan that can go in the oven.  Or — perhaps more accurately, one I want to put in the oven.  But I just put my “frittatas” in a casserole dish.

According to Wiki:
“Frittata is an egg-based Italian dish similar to an omelette or crustless quiche, enriched with additional ingredients such as meats, cheeses, vegetables or pasta. The word frittata is derived from Italian and roughly translates to “egg-cake”.


The Italian word frittata derives from fritta and roughly translates to egg-cake. This was originally a general term for cooking eggs in a skillet, anywhere on the spectrum from fried egg, through conventional omelette, to an Italian version of the Spanish tortilla de patatas, made with fried potato. Outside Italy, frittata was seen as equivalent to “omelette” until at least the mid-1950s.”

Well, I had a small piece of chicken to use and a lot of eggs.  So I bought some mushrooms and a leek.

Here is our dinner tonight.


Leek and Mushroom Frittata

1 leek, chopped up into little pieces
1 lb mushrooms, sliced
olive oil
1/2 teaspoon rosemary
1 clove garlic, minced
6 eggs
1/3 C milk (I use 1%)
1/2 C cooked chicken (optional)
1 C Cheddar cheese (I used mild)
(I used a 7.5 in X 11 in casserole dish)

Put about a tablespoon of olive oil in a pan.  Heat the oil.  Then add the leeks.  Salt them a little while cooking.  When they look as if they are getting cooked add the mushrooms to the pan.  Add a little more salt.  Add the rosemary.  Add the garlic.  Cook the leeks and mushrooms until they are almost done.

While the vegetables are cooking beat the eggs in a large bowl.  Add the milk.  If you feel you need more salt and pepper you can put it in the egg mixture.

Once the veggies are cooked add them to the eggs in the large bowl.  Butter the casserole dish.  Then pour the veggie-egg mixture into the casserole dish.  Then add the chicken, use a fork to spread the chicken around in the vegetable-egg mixture.  Then sprinkle the cheese evenly over the top.  With the fork sink the cheese into the vegetable-egg-chicken mixture.

Bake on 350° F for about 20 minutes.  After 20 minutes check it to see if it is done to your liking.  Usually you want eggs to be cooked thoroughly.  But everyone likes their eggs done differently so cook it to the way YOU like it.



Of course this can be breakfast, brunch, lunch, linner, dinner, a snack . . . . whatever you want.  I am sure you can adapt it to one pan cooking like a “real” frittata, but . . . it works in a casserole dish too.

Do you like frittatas?  Do you ever eat them for dinner?

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Maps Can Help Get You Where You Want To Go

Posted by terrepruitt on September 9, 2014

Dance Exercise, Nia, Nia at the City of San Jose, Nia classes in the South Bay, Nia Teacher, Nia Class, San Jose Nia, Nia San Jose, Nia workout, Nia, Zumba, PiYo, Gentle Yoga, Group Ex City of San Jose, San Jose Group Ex classesI am not sure many websites have Site Maps any longer.  Websites now-a-days are so full of bells and whistles not many have site maps.  Not many just have a place where you can go to one page to see a list of everything that is on the site.  I find sometimes when I am on a website, I am just going in circles trying to find the information I want and I think it would be nice if there was that one page . . . that site map . . . that showed me the list of pages so that I could click on the page I want instead of getting dizzy clicking around.  I think I have a lot of information on my site so I know that one might get a little overwhelmed.  I know that some of my pages repeat information on other pages.  I do that because when I am on a website sometimes I don’t see the information if it is only on one page, but the more it is repeated the better chance that I will see it.  But I do have a site map for my site.  I have a lot of information so I wanted to have a list that people can look at in case they wanted an idea of what the whole site contained.

Since I teach at several different places and I have both a FIXED (on-going) schedule and one that changes all the time it can be a bit much for people to keep track of.   In addition to my teaching schedule, I have information regarding Nia on the site because I want to educate people on the classes they can take from me.  So, yeah, there is a lot on there.  So here is what I have created to help.


What’s on www.HelpYouWell.com at a glance!  The BOLD indicates the links you see at the left, the others are in the drop down menu if you put your mouse over the links at the left.  And, you can just click the link from this site map. 
New to Nia (links to help you navigate site)
What is Nia?
o Nia Practice
o Nia FreeDance
o Nia 5 Stages
Contact Terre
Nia Class Schedule (schedule of regular ON-GOING Classes)
o San Jose Nia Classes (M/W) (details about Wednesday classes)
Community Center Classes (regular classes with the City of San Jose – T/Th)
– City of San Jose – Nia (Classes SUBBING for the City of San Jose)
YMCA Silicon Valley Classes
YMCA Silicon Valley – Sub Dates (Classes SUBBING for the YMCA)
Present Nia Class Locations (locations at a glance)
Nia in the Evening
Nia on Saturday at 10 am
Nia Schedule at a glance (another way to look at Terre’s Nia schedule)
• Nia Information
Nia Class Cycles
Main Benefits of Nia
Tips for a Pleasurable Nia Experience
Principles of the Body’s Way
Nia Tips for Moving with Nia
Sounding Tips
Nia’s 52 Moves
Nia Belt Levels and Focuses
Indexes for The Nia Technique Book
   Index with Sections
   Index with separate list of subsections
• About Terre Pruitt
• Nia Class Fees (each location has different fees)
• Nia Monthly (information regarding Nia in the current month, sometimes additional info, check it out)
• Nia Jams
• Gentle Yoga
Zumba Fitness Class Schedule
• Pictures and Stuff
• San Medusa (a write-up about a Playshop with Helen Terry.  Link not shown on left.)
• Site Map

Hopefully this helps people navigate the site.  The site map is a list of all the pages on the site with hot links so you can click on the page you want to visit.  What do you think?  Do you ever get “lost” on a website?  It seems as if you are just going in circles?  Do you find many websites with site maps?

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