Terre Pruitt's Blog

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Archive for July 17th, 2010

Lemon Leftovers

Posted by terrepruitt on July 17, 2010

While I was doing Nia today, I was thinking of that yummy mango-cucumber salad (have you tried it yet?).  I had a thought about the lemon leftovers.  If you have seen a few of my posts you might have noticed that I really try not to be wasteful.  I think that as a society we are pretty wasteful so I know I do my share, but when I can come up with ways that allow me to re-use something I like it.  Guess what, you can do a few of things with the lemons that have been used for the salad.

You can zest the lemons.  The outside colored part of the lemons can be used for many things.  (Hmm, I think I see another blog post at of just that.)  I would think it would be easier to zest before you squeeze all the juice out of the lemon, but that is just me.

You can use what is left of the lemon to try to “bleach” stuff.  For me I use it to lighten any darkness that might be on my kitchen grout.  It doesn’t always work on a dark-dark stain, but on anything light it usually does.  Often times I leave it for a few hours, but remember it is an acid so it might eat through some of the grout . . . so like most things you are trying for the first time test it in a small unseen area to make certain you can live with the results.

Or just take the lemon portion that has been squeeze and run it over your counters or your sink—-provided the surfaces can tolerate something like that.  Then wipe it down with a damp towel you might have the fresh sent of lemon in the kitchen.  I have tile on which I do that, but I do not do it on my granite.

Then when you are all done using as much as you can out of that little lemon put it in your garbage disposal.  As long as your garbage disposal works well at grinding rinds that helps clean it and leaves a fresh sent in the kitchen.  Especially if you run the disposal at the same time you run some warm/hot water–it fills the kitchen with lemony scent.

What else can we do with the lemon “leftovers”?

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