Terre Pruitt's Blog

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Posts Tagged ‘Tweetup’

Naughty Biscotti

Posted by terrepruitt on April 9, 2009

Ok, now say it out loud.  Say it again, but this time listen.  Ahhh.  Funny, huh?  Well not too long ago I was at my first Tweetup—oh yeah, when Twitterers meet in person— at the Red Rock Café in Mountain View and I was hungry.  It was after my Wednesday morning Nia class and I hadn’t had my coffee and I needed my lunch.  So in addition to my latte and sandwich I got a biscotti.  Ya know, you’ve seen them in those huge glass canister.  This one was called Chocolate Maniac which I thought was odd because it was blonde and sitting right next to ones that were clearly ALL chocolate.  I had too much to carry so I stuck it in my pocket and forgot about it.

Later, near the end of the Tweetup I put my hand in my pocket and was shocked by the feel of plastic, then I remembered it was biscotti.  I decided to eat it on the way home.  Not the best choice, I’ll tell ya.  I should have waited, it so deserved to be savored and not gobbled up between stop lights.  It was what I think of as a “normal” flavored biscotti, but had a layer of chocolate on it.  But it wasn’t “normal” it was REALLY good.  A LIGHT crispy nutty cookie with a thick layer of gooey—but not so gooey as to interfere with my driving—yummy chocolate.  After it was gone I was sad because it was gone.   I looked at the ingredients and I realized why it was so good.  There was nothing in it I could not pronounce.  It just had good old fashioned baking ingredients it in.  I read the company name and then proceeded through the intersection because the light had just turned green.  As I was driving it dawned on me–Naughty Biscotti.  How funny.  How cute.  How silly.  How yummy.  AND they are local.  In Santa Clara.  How nice.  I like to support local business, so when they are as good as Naughty Biscotti—I am there.  I hope you will try some.

http://www.naughtybiscotti.com/ *

Remember, my blog, my rules, this isn’t related to Nia, working out, personal training, health, wellness , or fitness, but, I said that I was the one that would decide upon what fell into that realm.  And this could be stretched into an eating-a-treat-with-all-natural-ingredients-is-more-healthful-than-chemicals kind of thing, yes?   Get Naughty.  Tee hee!

*As of 06.06.20 – this site appears to not exist.  Sorry.

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