Terre Pruitt's Blog

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Archive for June 17th, 2010

Eating Better is Easy

Posted by terrepruitt on June 17, 2010

Eating better is easy.  “Better” can mean so many things.  Everything can be improved upon . . . generally, and when it comes to our diets it is usually, not “generally”.  So eating “better” is easy.

Eating better could be a matter of fitting some water into your diet.  Maybe have a glass of water to replace a soda–even better than just adding a glass of water.  Maybe eating one less fast food meal a day.  If you generally eat two fast food meals a day, cutting out two would even be better.  Have a side salad or the steam veggie option instead of fries—better.  Having the smaller cut of meat or the leaner cut of meat—better.

Bringing a healthy lunch from home instead of eating at the roach coach—better.  Putting less sugar in your coffee—better.  Having a green salad with a meal, if you normally don’t—better.  Have a piece of fruit instead of a candy bar—better.  Eating popcorn instead of potato chips—better.

For me eating better is eating less.  I don’t drink soda or eat fast food, but I could use to eat less of even the good things I do eat.  I could also swap some simple carbohydrates for some more complex ones.

What about you?  Can you find some ways to make your diet better as in more nutritious?  Might you need to cut a few calories to make it better?  What ideas do you have?  Might you try any of the ideas mentioned here?  What are you willing to do to make your diet better?

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