Terre Pruitt's Blog

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Mango and Chicken Kabob

Posted by terrepruitt on July 1, 2010

I had a lunch date after teaching my Nia class on Wednesday.  I had mentioned, in a previous post that I wanted to cook more with fruit since we had a large amount of plums.  So, I was happy to try the mango and chicken kabob.  Obviously, I can’t take credit for cooking and/or preparing this.  I did not cook this kabob.  Worse, I took the picture with my iPhone so it is — well, the quality of an iPhone picture (it was actually so blurry I had to “sharpen” it with Photoshop).  As the waiter was setting the plate down, I thought, “Oh, I need to take a picture.”  But I forgot when the waiter brought another plate of kabobs that we did not order.  I think he just didn’t want her to feel left out.  I remember after I ate one!

Anyway . . . .GREAT way to cook with fruit.  I don’t think I would have thought to put mango on a skewer with chicken, but it actually works perfect because it cooks great.  I have determined a long time ago that it is too difficult to cook meat and veggies on the same skewer because in order to get the meat cooked properly the veggies get too done.  Or vice-versa, depending on the meat and the veggies.  So it is best–for us–to do them separate.  Plus separate allows for different seasonings and it keeps the meat separate from the vegetables in case there are persons who are not eating meat.

The mangos were cooked with the skin on and for the most part that made the skin very edible.  I didn’t even notice the skin until I got to a particularly tough one that was green.

So, yay!  A way to cook with fruit AND another way to use mangos.  I normally only use them in the cucumber mango salad.  I would have thought to make a salsa, but not to put them on a skewer especially WITH the chicken.  You might have noticed that this kabob has onions, red peppers, and tomatoes too.  I even ate the tomatoes (big deal for loath-tomatoes-girl), even though they were cooked.

Do you cook with mangos?  Do you make kabobs?  Kabobs are a nice way to serve food for a cook out, huh?  Have you managed to perfect cooking vegetables AND meat on the same skewer?

Let me hear it. What have you got to say about this post?

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