Terre Pruitt's Blog

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Twitter Can Give You the Warm Fuzzies

Posted by terrepruitt on July 29, 2010

I often find myself defending Twitter when I meet new people.  In this world of multiple social media networks, the subject of FaceBook, Twitter, and Yelp often come up.  We start talking then usually someone says, “I’ve never gotten into Twitter.  I mean, really (!?!?) who wants to know what I had for lunch?  And I certainly don’t care about what others had for lunch?!?!”  That is not the only thing Twitter is about.

First of all, that is a Twitter stereo-type.  Not ALL tweeple tweet about what they had for lunch.  But those that do often get a lot of responses.  If you are in a circle of people that are foodies they LOVE tweets about food!  ANY MEAL AT ALL.  My hubby (@JohnPruitt) used to tweet and Facebook pictures of his lunch every day.  Now he actually takes lunch from home and people miss his pictures.  They ask him if he is on a diet, if he is sick, they miss it.  EVERYONE eats.  Not everyone has the opportunity to eat what is available to us in San Jose and the Bay Area and they enjoy seeing all the different things.  Food really brings people together.

What I was thinking about the other day was when someone tweets me out of the blue and says, “I thought about you . . . .”  WOW!  People I know only through Twitter THINK about ME!  How cool is that?  I love that someone out there is thinking about me.  I love it when it is silly, “I was thinking about you because I was wearing blue.”  I love it when it is related to healthy eating, “I was thinking about you as I ate my salad.”  I love when it is about kitties, “I saw a cat and thought about you and your cat.”  I love when it is about Nia, “I went to a Nia class today and I thought about you.”

Yes, I started using Twitter to promote Nia and my business.  I have made business connections and friends.  I have actually made some connections.  Funny enough, with this post half written (up to this very point – no lie!) I had a DM* conversation with a friend today.  She was asking if I thought it were possible to have “real” friends on Twitter.  Ones that you only knew through Twitter.  My thinking on that is “you betcha!”

Maybe the definition of “real” is different, I don’t know.  But I know that I know more about a lot of my friends on Twitter than I know about my friends I have in person.  I talk more to some of my Twitter friends than I do my “in person friends”.  So . . . . . to me, as I always say . . . Twitter is what you make it.  Connections are out there to be made.  Either you know because you are on it, or you will see when you get there.  It is soooooo AWESOME (inspiring, and humbling) to have someone tweet, “I was thinking about you today!”  Gives me the warm fuzzies.

*DM = Direct Message

(Oh, and puleeeaase!  You think I am going to write a post about Twitter warm fuzzies and not put this most excellent tweet that I received one day in my post.  Ha! That would be unacceptable.  Thanks, Dani!)

6 Responses to “Twitter Can Give You the Warm Fuzzies”

  1. suzicate said

    I guess Twitter could be fun….but I am way too boring to have anything of interest to post!


    • Well, that is the great thing about Twitter. There is no rule that says your tweets have to be exciting or interesting. They have to be nothing. They are what you make them. In my last Tweet I just shared that I thought our weather was awesome. I didn’t even say whether it was hot or cold or snowing. I just said that it is awesome.

      It is whatever you make it. Sometimes it is the only means of communication between my husband and I during the day. I like that when he is too busy on the phone to call he will at least tweet me!

      Not that you need more readers because I know you have a lot, but you could just tweet your blog posts. There are all kinds of things to do with it. It is fun. If you do join let me know and if you want follow me @HelpYouWell


  2. Dani H said

    Wow! What a surprise! I’m SO happy that you liked receiving the tweet. I cannot take credit for starting this, though I did mean every word of it! I first received it from @writinginrain. You are always such a sweetheart here, on twitter, even in your comments on other people’s blogs. My world truly is a better place with you in it, Terre. And I have made “real” friends on Twitter. 😉 *Great Big Extra-Squishy Hugs*


    • I kinda figured you were continuing a trend on twitter, but that doesn’t make it any less special. I still got the warm fuzzies! 🙂

      I love your Squishy Hugs. You know that when I see you giving them out I always have to jump right in the middle so I can get one too!!!

      Thank you, Dani!


  3. j said

    Twitter fuzzies make me smile. As do you. xo


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