Terre Pruitt's Blog

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Posts Tagged ‘Chocolate’

Chocolate And Puppies

Posted by terrepruitt on June 2, 2017

I bought this for my hubby for Valentine’s Day. Just a chocolate heart. It makes me laugh every time I see it. I CHEWS you! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Just cracks me up. It is also very fitting because my hubby loves puppies (who doesn’t, right?) AND I definitely CHOOSE (or chews) him! And, of course it is funny because puppies are always chewing on each other. There are just so many angles to its hilarity! At least I think so. I hope it at least made you smile.

Puppies, chocolate, and humor makes up this Friday Photo.

Dance Exercise, Nia, Nia in the City of San Jose, Nia classes in the South Bay, Nia Teacher, Nia Class, San Jose Nia, Nia San Jose, Nia workout, Nia, Gentle Yoga, Group Ex classes, YMCA, Zumba, Nia Technique, SJ City Fit, SJCityFit

Posted in Friday Photo | Tagged: , , , | 6 Comments »

Sweet Valentine’s Day Treat

Posted by terrepruitt on February 10, 2017

My hubby and I don’t normally go out ON Valentine’s Day, too crowded and too expensive (the restaurants that jack up prices or only serve prix fixe).  I can’t remember what we did last year.  It was a Sunday so perhaps we were out already and just decided to eat out.  I thought we had been out eating.  But I remember being out and coming home thinking I wish I had some chocolate.   Lo and behold I had a Valentine’s Day treat bag from a friend.  Or perhaps she came over and dropped it off?  I don’t remember exactly, but I do remember that John was asleep so I didn’t have to share! I do remember that I thought her giving me that was the best thing ever at the time.  It was so great and it “hit the spot” I took a picture of it.  That cookie was so good.  I did actually eat half of the cookie and half of the pretzel, leaving the other half for John.

Since Valentine’s Day is around the corner, I thought I would share this for my Friday Photo.

Dance Exercise, Nia, Nia in the City of San Jose, Nia classes in the South Bay, Nia Teacher, Nia Class, San Jose Nia, Nia San Jose, Nia workout, Nia, Gentle Yoga, Group Ex classes, YMCA, Zumba, Nia Technique, SJ City Fit, SJCityFit

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Banana Boats

Posted by terrepruitt on February 18, 2014

I really thought I had posted about these before. I probably decided against it because it is not the healthiest of desserts and certainly will be frowned upon by many. But . . . this is also not one of the unhealthiest desserts – as far as desserts go. It IS one of the yummiest desserts and sooooo easy. This one has a lot more calories, fat, and processed ingredients than the blended bananas, but it is pretty much just as easy. Since it is just my husband and I that are usually eating them my recipe is for two, but it is so easy to adjust you can make it for one, three, ten, or more it is up to you. I first saw this recipe in a magazine, I think it was Taste of Home. What they called them I don’t remember because my husband quickly named them Banana Boats.

.Dance Exercise, Nia, Nia at the City of San Jose, Nia classes in the South Bay, Nia Teacher, Nia Class, San Jose Nia, Nia San Jose, Nia workout, Nia, Zumba, PiYo, Gentle Yoga


Recipe for two:


Banana Boats

Two less than ripe bananas*
Aluminum foil
1/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/3 cup mini-marshmallows

Put your oven rack on the lowest position. Turn oven to 450° F. While the oven is heating up slice the banana down the inside-of-the-curve middle. Do not cut all the way through the skin on the outside-of-the-curve, but do cut all the way through the banana. Situate the banana in a “boat” made of aluminum foil, with the slice facing up. Use a spoon or something to open the banana a little bit so you have room to fill it. Then put half of the chocolate chips in the slice. Top the chips with half of the marshmallows. Repeat with the other banana.

Put the banana on the lowest oven rack (the one you remembered to lower BEFORE you turned the oven on) and let it cook for about 5 minutes. Check the banana. With the rack at the lowest possible point the chocolate should be melted and the banana warm. The marshmallows might be browning. You decide how brown you like your marshmallows. The banana skin will turn black and look rather not-pretty. But your banana will be fine. When the marshmallows are browned to your liking, take the bananas out of the oven.  I like mine around 7 minutes.

How you serve them is up to you. We usually just put the banana on a plate and use a spoon to scoop out the chocolatey-marshmallowey-banana goodness.


Dance Exercise, Nia, Nia at the City of San Jose, Nia classes in the South Bay, Nia Teacher, Nia Class, San Jose Nia, Nia San Jose, Nia workout, Nia, Zumba, PiYo, Gentle Yoga.

Usually my husband grills them. He grills them at a kinda low to medium temp. Then he watches them until they have black skin and melted/browned marshmallows. Of course every grill is different so the low to medium might not work on your grill. Basically just keep an eye on them.

*Regarding the ripeness of the bananas. We have found that ripe bananas do not work as well. I honestly can’t remember why. I just remember it was not as yummy. So they do work and it will still be a great dessert, but not as yummy as when the bananas are on the hard – less-than ripe side.

All of the pictures are courtesy of my hubby! Thanks, Hubby!

What do you think?

Posted in "Recipes", Food | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments »

Chocolate and Bacon

Posted by terrepruitt on July 20, 2010

So you might think this post is about chocolate and bacon–that is what the title might lead you to believe.  That is because I could not bring myself to state the truth; chocolate COVERED bacon.  Just the thought of it makes my stomach kind of contract.  I will be honest, I LOVE bacon.  I really do.  One time I was making something for a party that required bacon and I was jumping up and down saying to my husband, “Do you know what this means?  It means we have bacon!”  Ya see I don’t eat bacon that often because it is just not something I consider needed to be a part of a healthy diet.  So I was very excited to have to cook it for a recipe which would mean there would be at least a piece left.  After I cooked it and gave him some my husband realized why I was so excited.  It is yummy, but we don’t eat it often.

Chocolate, I am ok with.  I am not a chocoholic and I can live without it.  And some chocolate is DEFINITELY better than others.

I was talking with my friend about chocolate covered bacon and I was saying how disgusting I thought the thought of it was.  So, being an evil person disguised as a great person (ha, ha!) she bought me a piece.  She was walking down the street and was overwhelmed by the smell of bacon and realized it was coming from a candy shop.  So she bought me one.

She gave it to me and I just couldn’t eat it.  Just the THOUGHT of it grossed me out.  I put it away and forgot about it.  When I remembered it, my stomach did a cramping like flip-flop.  Ewwww.  Just the thought of it grosses me out.  What a horrendously unhealthy combination.

No, yes, however you say that, I am NOT the epitome of healthy eating, but I try to avoid the things I feel are the really glaringly obvious unhealthy stuff.  So my tummy was NOT wanting to try it.

As I was taking it out of the bag to take picture I noticed a piece broken off.  I tasted it.  It really doesn’t taste like anything but salty chocolate.  After I took the pictures I ate the small piece and let hubby have the other one.    This chocolate happens to be one of the ones I think it better than others.  But I couldn’t really taste the bacon as bacon.

To me, if I am going to eat bacon and have those calories and fat I want to eat the bacon and taste the bacon and enjoy the bacon.  Eating it covered in chocolate is a waste to me . . . but that is just me.  Everyone eats how they want and this is not how I choose to eat.  So chocolate covered bacon will not be one of the foods I have as a treat.

What about you?  Have you tried it?  Do you like it?  What chocolate covered salty food (or?) have you tried as a treat?

Posted in Food | Tagged: , , , , | 16 Comments »

Naughty Biscotti

Posted by terrepruitt on April 9, 2009

Ok, now say it out loud.  Say it again, but this time listen.  Ahhh.  Funny, huh?  Well not too long ago I was at my first Tweetup—oh yeah, when Twitterers meet in person— at the Red Rock Café in Mountain View and I was hungry.  It was after my Wednesday morning Nia class and I hadn’t had my coffee and I needed my lunch.  So in addition to my latte and sandwich I got a biscotti.  Ya know, you’ve seen them in those huge glass canister.  This one was called Chocolate Maniac which I thought was odd because it was blonde and sitting right next to ones that were clearly ALL chocolate.  I had too much to carry so I stuck it in my pocket and forgot about it.

Later, near the end of the Tweetup I put my hand in my pocket and was shocked by the feel of plastic, then I remembered it was biscotti.  I decided to eat it on the way home.  Not the best choice, I’ll tell ya.  I should have waited, it so deserved to be savored and not gobbled up between stop lights.  It was what I think of as a “normal” flavored biscotti, but had a layer of chocolate on it.  But it wasn’t “normal” it was REALLY good.  A LIGHT crispy nutty cookie with a thick layer of gooey—but not so gooey as to interfere with my driving—yummy chocolate.  After it was gone I was sad because it was gone.   I looked at the ingredients and I realized why it was so good.  There was nothing in it I could not pronounce.  It just had good old fashioned baking ingredients it in.  I read the company name and then proceeded through the intersection because the light had just turned green.  As I was driving it dawned on me–Naughty Biscotti.  How funny.  How cute.  How silly.  How yummy.  AND they are local.  In Santa Clara.  How nice.  I like to support local business, so when they are as good as Naughty Biscotti—I am there.  I hope you will try some.

http://www.naughtybiscotti.com/ *

Remember, my blog, my rules, this isn’t related to Nia, working out, personal training, health, wellness , or fitness, but, I said that I was the one that would decide upon what fell into that realm.  And this could be stretched into an eating-a-treat-with-all-natural-ingredients-is-more-healthful-than-chemicals kind of thing, yes?   Get Naughty.  Tee hee!

*As of 06.06.20 – this site appears to not exist.  Sorry.

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